Vocal Athlete
When your voice is essential for your livelihood, we consider you a vocal athlete
Technical Voice Evaluation
ProVoice Center has dedicated voice pathologists with collegiate degrees in vocal performance and personally continue to actively perform at a professional level. Our team can help you return to function quickly and safely.
For some vocal performers, a Technical Voice Evaluation may be warranted on either their initial visit to the clinic or during a subsequent session. During a Technical Voice Evaluation, specific questions will be asked related to current vocal demands and performances, style of singing/speaking, and problems related to their singing/speaking voice. A singing/speaking evaluation may be conducted to determine if there are any significant technical problems that may be contributing to the patient's voice disorder. Singers may be asked to sing some vocal exercises and a song of choice in the style they typically sing (pop, jazz, musical theatre, gospel, classical, etc). Actors/Speakers may be asked to provide a sample of their work. At the conclusion of the evaluation, the patient and singing voice specialist will discuss specific rehabilitative strategies providing the vocal athlete with options to maximize vocal efficiency during high performance demands. Voice teachers are always invited to participate in this evaluation process, and are a valued member of the voice care team for our vocal performer patients.