Hi-Definition, State-of-The-Art
Simple, non-invasive test
Laryngeal Videostroboscopy
Our hi-definition, state-of-the-art videostroboscopy equipment provides a specialized view of the vocal folds (vocal cords) and how they vibrate when you make sound. By watching the vocal folds vibrate, the examiner is able to check for stiffness, irregularity of movement, closure patterns, and other disorders related to the motion of the vocal folds, which may cause your symptoms. This is captured onto digital media and then reviewed with you at the end of the examination, so you come away from your appointment with test results and a plan of treatment that day.
This non-invasive, painless technology provides the voice pathologist and the physician with outstanding views of the larynx and the vibrating vocal folds from above. There is no preparation for this testing procedure.