A Collaborative Approach
to live your best life
Head & Neck Cancer Rehabilitation
Persons with head and neck cancer can experience changes in their voice and/or swallowing function prior to, during, or after medical treatment. Whether the treatment includes surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy or a combination, sensation and muscle function is often altered, resulting in dysphagia. The clinicians at ProVoice Center are experienced in providing evaluation and treatment to patient who are just starting cancer treatment or who are experiencing the late side effects of cancer treatment.
During and in the early months after radiation, maintaining and restoring muscle fibers and flexibility is a major goal. Understanding adjustment issues and side effects empowers you to assist in identifying non-medical management strategies to reduce the interference of pain, nausea, and taste alterations that may impact eating and drinking. For those patients who are just starting head and neck cancer treatment, your appointments will include further education on the side effects of your treatment and individualized stretches and exercises to maintain function of the muscles and structures that are being affected by the cancer treatment.
Years after radiation therapy, you may experience fibrosis of the tongue, throat, and jaw limiting mouth opening and making speech and swallowing more difficult. ProVoice clinicians have intensive training and experience with a collaborative approach making improvement possible for all stages so you may live your best life.