Erin N. Donahue, B.M., M.A., CCC-SLP
Clinic Manager
Voice Pathologist & Singing Voice Specialist
Erin N. Donahue, B.M., M.A., CCC-SLP, serves as clinic manager, voice pathologist and singing voice specialist at the Blaine Block Institute for Voice Analysis and Rehabilitation (BBIVAR) and the Professional Voice Center of Greater Cincinnati (ProVoice Center). As an undergraduate student, Erin attended the University of Florida and earned degrees in Vocal Performance and Communication Sciences and Disorders. She received her Master of Arts degree in Speech Language Pathology from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. During her time at Miami University, her master’s thesis focused on the prevalence of vocal pathology and reported vocal habits in incoming conservatory musical theatre students, results of which she later published in Journal of Voice and presented at The Fall Voice Conference.
Erin’s professional interests include performing voice, gender affirming voice care, and utilization of manual therapy/laryngeal massage within the context of both rehabilitation and habilitation. She also has a special interest in preventative voice care and optimization of vocal function. In the clinic, Erin works primarily with professional voice users across the spectrum, from Broadway performers to avocational singers. She frequently presents and teaches workshops to various groups such as singers, educators, elite vocal performers, and vocal performance students on the topics of best practices for maintaining optimal vocal health, vocal anatomy/physiology, and vocal pathology. More recently, a residency at her alma mater focused on lecturing and speaking with future music educators and vocal pedagogues regarding topics related to vocal health.
Erin has authored multiple articles and chapters related to voice for various publications including Journal of Voice, ASHA SIG-3 Perspectives, Chorus America, Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America, and Voice and Speech Review. She has presented at several national conferences on topics including singing and professional voice, supervision of student clinicians, and gender affirming voice care for singers. She developed a Simucase training module for graduate student clinicians on evaluation and training for voice feminization. Erin co-authored the 2nd edition of Rating Laryngeal Videostroboscopy and Acoustic Recordings: Normal and Pathologic Samples as well as an exercise in The Vocal Athlete: Application and Techniques for the Hybrid Singer with her mentor, Dr. Wendy LeBorgne. Most recently, Erin authored two chapters in Class Voice: Fundamental Skills for Lifelong Singing. In addition to administrative and clinical work, Erin continues to perform regionally at a professional level.